Monday, April 6, 2015

Week 1:

Getting Started!

            This week was getting our feet wet and learning exactly what our Engineering 103 class entailed. We were told to chose groups and find a building that we would want to survey and ultimately 3-D model. The group initially wanted to model Millennium dorm, but was told dorms were not able to be modeled. This then posed the first problem for the group because most buildings had already been chosen. The group settled on the Paul Peck building up by the dorms. 
            The most important factor in choosing the building was that it was attractive. We felt that if it were to be studied for 10 weeks then it needed to be attractive and intricate. The Paul Peck building is an interesting shape and will be challenging due to being connected to other buildings. We are excited to get started.
            After we decided on the building the class was spent planning. This included a timeline for our activities and creating a "person" and blog for the class. It was decided that Susan Kelly would update the blog as necessary. 

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